5 MARCH 1971 – 19 NOVEMBER 2020


St Peter’s Church, Plettenberg Bay Saturday, 5 December 2020 at 10h30

– Forever in our hearts –

Super Trouper, By Abba

Reverend Edwin Pockpass

Hymn 192
Praise, my soul, the King of heaven to his feet your tribute bring; ransomed, healed, restored,
forgiven, who like you his praise should sing? Alleluia, Alleluia!
praise the everlasting King.

Praise him for his grace and favour to our fathers in distress;
praise him, still the same as ever, slow to blame and swift to bless; Alleluia, Alleluia!
glorious in his faithfulness.

Angels, help us to adore him; you behold him face to face;
sun and moon, bow down before him, praise him all in time and space.
Alleluia, Alleluia!
praise with us the God of grace.

Lighting of candles
Family and Paul’s friends
“I Can Only Imagine” By Mercy Me

Prayer Reading
By Shelley Roe-Berning
Psalm 13: Our agony during Paul’s illness

Prayer Reading
By Carol Mewse. Word of God – Rev 21:1-4
God describing heaven


Reverend Edwin Pockpass

Pam Lansdell | Keith Berning Pam Berning | Emil Berning

Kate Lansdell

Reverend Pam Berning

Hymn 426

The Lord’s my shepherd, I’ll not want; he makes me down to lie
in pastures green; he leadeth me the quiet waters by.
My soul he doth restore again, and me to walk doth make
within the paths of righteousness, e’en for his own name’s sake.
Yea, though I walk through death’s dark vale, yet will I fear none ill;
for thou art with me, and thy rod and staff me comfort still.
Goodness and mercy all my life shall surely follow me;
and in God’s house for evermore my dwelling-place shall be.

Reverend Edwin Pockpass

Final Blessing
Reverend Edwin Pockpass

Paul had a dream that allowed him to fly and the faith
to pursue it, no matter how high…
Shelley Roe-Berning

You fought life with every challenge, so brave, so vibrant and so determined.
Pam Lansdell

Reverend: Edwin Pockpass
Pall Bearers: Keith Berning, Emil Berning, Merrick Berning,
Deon Berning, Luke Lansdell & Pam Lansdell

Monday nights = Will & Grace, Ally McBeal,
Roast Chicken, Roast Potatoes and Woollies Caramel Swiss Rolls.
Carol Mewse

They say ‘Paul’ means “humble” I say ‘Paul’ means “courage”. I hope I can have just a little bit of the courage of our Paul to keep my head up high and my spirits intact and to never ever lose my sense of humour!
Paul had a smile in his messages, always! Love you my cuz!
Lisa Scott -Salgado

35 years of friendship that was and still is priceless – Paul was and will remain someone that taught me so much about the definition of being selfless. My friend who might not be with us today, in body, but will remain in essence always.
Grant McAlpine

“Paul – my beloved cousin who squeezed all the juice out of life and had the best laugh in the world! There will only ever be one
of you!!”
Hayley du Plessis

The most gentle soul I got to know. He’ll always be in my heart.
Tina Bhecha

My beautiful friend…. Till we meet again….
Glynis Bouwer

Paul was an amazing friend to me for 26 years. So many wonderful memories, I love him dearly and he will always be in my heart.
Lisa Watson

We don’t think anyone could resist that smile and chuckle. He definitely brought joy to all he met
along the way.
Christa & PeterLansdell

Paul makes the best roast potatoes in the world!
Merrick Berning

When I think of Paul, I just think of a very REAL person. Genuine. That is a very rare quality.
Sonia Coucourakis

I cannot find the words to describe adequately what his friendship has meant. Grace comes closest. Even though we were not as close as we once were, I know I am a better person because of him.
Colleen Kaplan

My lovely Paul.
BKL was a less special place without you… England was a less special place without you. The world is a less special place without you. But you will always have a special place in our hearts. Look after yourself till, we meet again…
Bill Kenwright

A lovely person who loved to see his carers and Stromboli’s staff and have a good laugh with them. They always felt free around Paul.
Adwin le Fleur

We love and miss you Uncle Paulie.
Kate & Hannah Lansdell

Paul shared his cheesecake recipe with me when he was in matric because it was so delicious and it’s the only one I’ve ever used since.
Beryl Coucourakis

Paul is brave, Paul is strength, Paul is wit, Paul is reinvention, Paul is complicated, Paul is the king of roast potatoes. His body may surrendered, but his spirit is free…
Shelley Roe-Berning